Parent’s most concerning questions on supporting their kid’s mental health answered

International Women’s Day

When great businesses join up with clients and community to support worthy causes great things can happen. International Women’s Day this year at Newcastle Racecourse was one of those truly special days when a whopping $50k was raised for Mosaic Multicultural Connections and our charity EquiEnergy Youth. Thank you to the incredible volunteers and organisers Megan Smith @suzieleask @alikimmorley @glynnhaslam @ginamoses and everyone that […]
EEYouth on Triple M

Listen here to Triple M promoting ‘Coach 2 Cope’ for parents/carers to support their children’s mental healthAudio Player
How to help children and young people develop coping and resilience

Building coping and resilience skills is a key development task for young people and it is our job as adults to help them develop these. Episodes of distress can be categorised into 4 segments: calm, mild, moderate and acute. We know children and young people can manage mild levels of distress. If adults intervene when […]
Functioning comes before performance

Mental Health Response – TAR3 Psychological First Aid

You probably know the DR ABC process as the guide to follow for responding to someone that needs help with their physical health. But what about mental health? What do you do if someone in front of you is having a mental health crisis? Following years of research and responding and helping guide thousands of […]
Adults role in supporting development starts with mental health and wellbeing

What can happen to young people if adults around them are not communicating?

In this video Dr Stephen Spencer (PhD) discusses the importance of the adults in the village around young people. If you want to understand the mental health and wellbeing of a young person, take a look at the system around them, the adults in their environment. We know that when young people have adults who are […]
What causes distress in young people? Let’s listen to what they are telling us.

Too often parents just don’t know what to do when their child is experiencing psychological distress. It is very complex and scary for both the parent/s and young person. There are many causes of distress, and understanding some of the causes is very important. Let’s start by listening to what young people are telling us […]
How can adults help reduce the risk of long term mental illness in adolescents?