You probably know the DR ABC process as the guide to follow for responding to someone that needs help with their physical health. But what about mental health? What do you do if someone in front of you is having a mental health crisis? Following years of research and responding and helping guide thousands of young people through episodes of distress, Dr Stephen Spencer (PhD) developed a model that guides adults on how to effectively engage with a young person experiencing distress and safely support them to a positive outcome. This model is called TAR3 Psychological First Aid and it is now available for everybody to learn via EquiEnergy Youth’s website and associated social media channels. T is for Trigger, A is for Action, and the three R’s; Response, Reaction, Resolution. Simply click the video and watch Dr Spencer take you through this model in only a few minutes and build your capacity and confidence so when the time comes to help a young person in your life, you know what to do. Join the thousands of professionals, families and carers that use TAR3.