We are absolutely delighted to announce that Australia’s very own rising super stars of music, Busby Marou joins our charity. Recognising there is a mental health crisis in Australia, Gold Aria number one band Busby Marou has joined forces as Ambassadors with EquiEnergy Youth, a youth mental health charity and Not-For-Profit that is building capacity in Australian communities to reduce the risk of suicide in young people. Thomas (Busby) and Jeremy (Marou) are promoting the work EquiEnergy Youth are doing through communities to equip adults with the skills and confidence to effectively respond to young people through episodes of distress, using their unique ‘Coach 2 Cope’ programs. Coach 2 Cope is under-pinned by the evidence based TAR3 Psychological First Aid method which can be viewed here TAR3. Like the ‘DR ABC’ framework for physical 1st Aid response, ‘TAR3’ is the response method for psychological 1st Aid. The team at EquiEnergy Youth are on a mission to show every adult in Australia this effective approach by 2030. Having recently embarked on their latest, multi-leg ‘Blood Red’ tour, Busby Marou still take the time to support a charity they believe does important work in the community. “We became ambassadors for EquiEnergy Youth because we are inspired by their strong resolve and approach to reduce psychological suffering amongst young people. As a father of four, I see the challenges young people face in the world today and the need for increased awareness of mental health and practical ways for families to support young people. EquiEnergy Youth calls on adults within the community to engage and activate the systems around young people who are facing increasing psychological stresses every day.” says Thomas. “I’m proud to have grown up in our lucky country and to be in a position to support a local charity with an Australia-wide vision”. It’s an absolute thrill and honour to have Busby Marou supporting our youth mental health charity. From their humble roots in Rockhampton, QLD to Aussie super-star status and the world at their feet, Thomas and Jeremy have enjoyed an incredible rise to stardom however remain the grounded, humble, and kind people their many fans see through their music. Their willingness to support our charity is testament to their care and compassion for young people and those adults responsible for supporting their mental health and well-being. The backing of Thomas, Jeremy and their team is a pivotal moment in the so far, short history of EquiEnergy Youth as we fight back together against a pandemic of a different kind”. Thank you, Busby Marou we are tremendously grateful for your support.