Hi my name is Sam McCameron and I am a Clinical Nurse Consultant specialising in Mental Health. My formal qualifications include, a Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (Birmingham University, UK), Post Graduate Diploma of Forensic Behavioural Science (Monash University, VIC), Master of Mental Health Science (Monash University, VIC) and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40116 (TAFE NSW). I have practised as a Mental Health Nurse both in Australia and the U.K. since 1997 and have extensive experience in mental health service delivery. During my professional career I have worked in a variety of clinical settings including Forensic Hospitals; Intensive Psychiatric Care Units; Acute Care Community Mental Health teams; Psychiatric Emergency Care Centres; Court Liaison Service and Mental Health & Substance Use Service. Over the last 3 years I’ve had the opportunity to work as team coordinator on a clinical research trial with the UNSW, aiming to reduce impulsivity in repeat male violent offenders. I am passionate about reducing stigma associated with mental illness and improving mental health literacy within the community with the aim of improving outcomes for those with lived experience, through the delivery of quality training and education and clinical supervision.