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Coach 2 Cope: TAR3 Responder (Parents & Carers)

Parent and Carers

Designed to help families and carers by coaching simple methods on recognising triggers that elevate distress in young people and how to best respond, in any situation.

Families will learn:

  • A 5-step evidence-based psychological first aid framework (TAR3) to follow when responding ‘in the moment’ to episodes of distress and behavioural challenges.
  • Guidance on simple ways they can help young people build coping, resilience and positive help seeking behaviour and the vital role they play in promoting this.
  • Context on why child & adolescent mental health occurs and what they can do to improve mental health outcomes for the young people they support.* Coaching in the use of scripts and engagements strategies to adopt when responding to distress using the TAR3 Psychological First Aid Method

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