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Coach 2 Cope: TAR3 Responder and Support Plans

TAR3 Responder and Support Plans

Created as Professional Learning for educators working in leadership and/or wellbeing roles, this program offers the latest practical strategies & skills to better support students who experience acute mental health issues, emotional dysregulation & challenging behaviours. It also demonstrates how to practically apply the evidence-based framework (TAR3 model) & individual support plans (risk management plans) being used by thousands of educators & professionals across NSW, including multiple Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Hospitals.

Included in this Professional Learning;

  • Learn a trauma-informed approach to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and how leadership, culture, and language in regard to mental health impacts mental health outcomes for staff and students
  • Child & Adolescent mental health expert gives you guidance on why child and adolescent mental challenges are more prevalent than ever and your role in improving mental health outcomes for students.
  • Understand role delineation and responsibilities, within and across systems, to maximise efficiency (time and resources) when supporting mental health and wellbeing.
  • A new approach developed from PhD research project on how to respond ‘in the moment’ to psychological distress.
  • Learn the evidence based individualised support planning (risk management plans) being used by thousands of professionals (education, health & NGO’s) with practical examples on how to help your staff with implementation.
  • Simple examples on how you can best respond to distress and anxiety and assist children to develop coping, resilience and positive help seeking behaviours.
  • Your own take home Toolkit to guide you and your staff in supporting students with mental health challenges.
  • After training support, including complimentary follow up sessions to help you with implementation and sustainability of the frameworks.

Current & Upcoming Courses