Many young people in our community experience challenges with their mental health and the stresses of life. Media, professionals and other adults are providing numerous commentaries about the challenges young people are facing regarding mental health. Most importantly, young people are telling us too. You only need to review the most recent Youth of a Nation Survey (Mission Australia., 2019) where 25 800 young people tell us that coping with stress, mental health and body image are their three top concerns. Alarming statistics also demonstrate the ongoing need to increase the awareness and support of youth mental health in our community. Improving mental health outcomes for young people is a huge task for Governments, Services, communities, and families/carers. EquiEnergy Youth’s goal is to enhance the capacity of both services and the wider community to build a ‘village’ for young people who are safe and effective psychological responders. You can play your part in helping reduce the burden of mental ill health for young people in your community by supporting our campaign to provide free mental health training for families and carers. Please donate here